Friday, January 14, 2011


Pretty much from 2-5 in the afternoon is the unofficial naptime here at the Fort. Anyone who is not working during these hour can normally be found in their beds taking a nap gearing up for the night activities or catching up on lost sleep from the night before. Normal sleeping hours are from 2-6 in the morning. Those few crazy people who try to go to bed before these hours normally have to result to ear plugs to drown out the noise of everyone else hanging out by the lockers in the hallway. A few of us are lucky in the way that we are at the very end and normally far enough away from the noise that we can go to bed a little bit earlier if needed, but those who have bedrooms right next to the lockers, normally count the hours until naptime because they know that is when it will be quiet enough to get a good nap in before having to head to dinner...or if they work in the evening, head off to work. And when we work splits...naptime is almost a given. Having to wake up early in the morning to go to work and then work until late in the evening, the only way to function throughout the work load is by having your nap. It amazes me how as a little kid, we all fight naptime and try to get out of it in any way possible, and then you come to a place like the Fort as an adult and are so excited to have your naptime back. The few days that I've gone without having a nap pretty much drain my body. I don't know what is going to happen when I enter the real world again and lose my naptime, but I figure I will cross that bridge when I get to it. I'm pretty sure that once I enter the real world again, I won't be staying up until like 2 or 3 in the morning, so it probably won't be too bad. I will probably go to bed at a decent hour and still be able to wake up at 6 or 7 and go about my day, all day long. I've done it before, and can do it again. But until that day comes, I think I'm going to enjoy my naptime. Those little kids who fight and fight and fight trying to get out of naptime, don't know how lucky they are to still be allow to have those precious hours in the middle of the day to just sleep and rest. One of these days they will be 22 and wishing that they still had their naptime.

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